The bible records in Acts that the early Christian Church was united as one - with one heart, one mind (Acts 4:32). These are the common heart values that we share as a church.
Christ Centred
At Max Life church we believe that we are the beloved of God. Our primary focus is to reveal Jesus and his great love for us.
We are guided and empowered by the Holy Spirit and are passionate that people experience the life changing wonder of a personal relationship with Jesus, and enjoy the life God offers.
People, People, People
Jesus loved people. He loved poor people, sick people, lost people, old people, young people, the outcasts, the sinners, the unlovable and the broken.
Every person is precisious to the heart of Jesus and we are passionate about the heart beat of our church being for people, people, people.
Within our church we care about, connect closely with and support each other. Beyond our church we want to be a church that shows care for others in our local community, our nation and beyond. We don’t just feel compassion, but we are moved by compassion to action. Together we desire to bring hope and justice into situations of our generation where people are experiencing pain, hopelessness, tragedy and poverty.
Our heart is to share God’s love and acceptance with people, people, people!
Living Generously
God’s love has been given to us freely and generously. He places great worth on every individual. We freely receive from God and want to generously help, bless and serve others from what he has given us. We want to be generous in our time, relationships and resources.
Every person was born for significance. We have God breathed potential to make a difference here on earth.
When Christ’s cause underpins our lives, we will discover meaning and purpose. We believe every person was born for a cause greater than themselves and that each has been given unique talents and abilities that shape us for kingdom service. All believers become Jesus hands and feet on the planet, and our part in his eternal plan is both significant and a great honour.
Full of life
Jesus said “… I have come in order that you might have life, a life in all its fullness. (John 10:10 GNT).
This heart value is reflected in our name – because we believe that Jesus came so that we might have life and so life might flow out of us through the holy spirit. Our heart is to see people live their every day lives with enjoyment, fulfilment, authenticity and wholeness. Living life to the max!
Our church services and programs are relevant, vibrant and full of life